Thursday, December 13, 2012

O.K. Who Did That?

While cooking dinner, I realize I dropped a paper towel on the floor.  I'm busy so I think, "I need to pick it up before one of the dogs gets it."  Then the oven timer starts beeping.  I forget about the paper towel.

I finish preparing the meal and I call the family in to eat. 

This is what I see on the dining room floor:

That's the now-shredded paper towel on the left and Squirm the Worm on the right.

This is what I see in the dining room door:

That's half of Walker's face at the top and half of Maggie's face at the bottom.

Neither is forthcoming with the facts.

Truly comes in to survey the scene.   He says, "It wasn't me, Mom."  I believe him.  Now for the other two . . .


Team Zero Gravity said...

I know...Squirm the worm did it, and Maggie and Walker were covering for him ;)

Those Brindle Kids said...

That's EXACTLY what they said!