Friday, December 14, 2012


We had new pine straw placed in the back yard.  Walker and his foster siblings think the new straw is a gift to them.  By now, each and every straw has received a thorough sniffing.

Walker in front and Maggie in back.  This is one of the few moments they were not sniffing the straw.
Walker always wants to be where the people are.  If I'm in the kitchen, he's never far away. 
 I've seen him run, so I know he's a greyhound.  However, he has a habit of "pointing" like this:
He's not mid-step.  This is just how he stands from time to time.
Walker chose not to come in the house when I called him this afternoon, so . . . now he's waiting for me to open the door for him.  He has the sweetest face!
This is our Christmas tree.  Notice there are no ornaments.  Since we're not sure if Walker will want to investigate, we'll wait to adorn the tree until we're on holiday break - or we could just leave it like this and call it "Greyhound-friendly."  :)
I know some greyhounds have difficulty learning how to climb stairs.  Walker's first foster Mom taught him well.  Here he is following Maggie up our stairs with no problem at all.  He never climbs slowly.  He always powers all the way up.


Team Zero Gravity said...

He looks so happy. Love the tree. That's what I did last year. Lit tree, no ornaments. This year, it doesn't even look like I'm going to get one up. I know Walker will thoroughly live this Christmas witha pretty tree.

Those Brindle Kids said...

When we first put it up, he would stand about three feet away from it and the s l o w l y stretch as far as he could to sniff it. I think he just wanted to know what it was. Now he likes to walk around it but I haven't seen him try to bother it.