Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nails, nails, nails! Oh, my!

Since Walker's been with us, we've tried not to do anything that we knew would unnecessarily cause him stress.  We have, however, tried to "train" him to come inside the house when he's called even though doing so is a major stressor for him.  The sound of the phone ringing used to startle him, so we made the phone ring enough times that he got used to it.  Same with the camera.  Now, he doesn't even react. 

However, stress or no stress, it's time to do something about his nails.  From these photos, you can see why:

Poor boy.  My unwillingness to do anything with Walker that is out of the ordinary has kept me from trimming these nails.  So, tomorrow is the day.  I'll keep you posted on our progress!


Team Zero Gravity said...

I'll be crossing my fingers for an easy trim :)