Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

Walker had a fun Thanksgiving! 

He probably would say the nail trimming wasn't much fun but he was very good to lay still on his bed and let me clip each nail.  Then he had enough patience to let me file each nail.  He did not have enough patience to let me take a photo of his newly manicured nails - trust me, though, they're trimmed.  Yay!!

Since he was so good about getting his nails done, for the rest of the holiday, Walker didn't have to do anything he didn't want to do.  He spent a lot of time in the back yard playing with his foster sister, Maggie.  They play together all the time.

They stand in the yard together.  Walker's on the left.

They stand on the stairs together.  Walker is a very tall boy.

They look at the sky together.  Walker took a step down so he wouldn't tower over her. 

Walker took some time alone to stand in the sun.

He really wants some of that turkey.

They BOTH want some of that turkey!

Walker can't leave until he knows the turkey has been put away.

Walker stares at the fridge thinking the turkey will come out? 
I realize it's not the best photo but just had to share this face . . . and tongue!
Walker knows we all get back to business tomorrow morning.  He says he'll be happy to have the humans out of the house so that the hounds can get some rest!


Team Zero Gravity said...

Great photos. Walker looks so good. Thanks for being such awesome foster parents!

Those Brindle Kids said...

Thank you! We love having him here. We're excited to see his reaction to our Christmas tree!