Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Last Post for Walker

This morning, all the hounds were excited to see what Santa brought them.  The dogs each got new personalized collars and a big supply of bully sticks.  But Walker, the foster hound, got something special for Christmas.  He got his forever home!

Walker was our first foster hound. We brought him with us in late September. Back then, I wrote about him and about wanting to be a successful foster family - meaning that we weren't going to adopt him but that we were going to take care of him until his special forever family found him.

Walker has lived with us for three months now and none of us can imagine him living anywhere but here.

Walker has his own personalized collar.

Walker also got a new Squirm the Worm. 
We call him Squirm 2, since Maggie appropriated Squirm 1.
We're hoping Squirm 2 gets to keep his eyes for a while longer.  :)

So, this is the last post for Walker, the foster hound.

Walker's First Christmas in his Forever Home
Thank you, SEGA, for helping us find our big, red brindle boy!


Team Zero Gravity said...

I'm so happy for Walker and for you all! I know it had to be an exciting day for all. I'm SO GLAD you were able to find Squirm the Worm II. Now Maggie and Walker each have their own--unless Truly decides he wants one on the future ;)
I look forward to reading Walker's adventures as part of the Those Brindle Kids blog :) Thank you all for loving this special boy so much. I could nto be happier!