Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Finally . . . the Sun

Walker has been waiting for the rain to go away and the sun to come out.  Finally today, there was sun!

He likes to stand and bask in the rays.

He wants to drink out of the fountain.  The water is not for drinking, so we drained the lowest bowl.

He's "hiding" behind this bush.  He watches us when we're on the deck.

This beautiful boy is a puzzle.  He's not bothered by the sounds of the dishwasher, the washing machine, the dryer, the vacuum, loud cars or other odd sounds.  He's not afraid of sneezing or coughing. 

He delights in the company of other greyhounds and he gets along famously with them.  He plays joyfully with dog toys.  He wants to be petted.  He likes for Sawyer to sit with him and sing to him.  He's active, inquisitve, confident and smart.  He's well mannered in the house.  He's been in a new foster home with brand new people for only four days now and he's still not had a single accident or torn anything up.  (I can't say this about any other dog I've ever brought home.)

His anxiety is related to approaching people and exterior doorways.  Otherwise, he's gentle, loving and a very good boy who will become an awesome forever friend for just the right family.